Collecting Data — The First Step to locating Solutions to Organization Problems

Collecting data is the first step in finding strategies to business problems. Once you have a specific idea of what your organization is attempting to achieve, you must figure out how to collect the data that will aid you get there. The kind of data you require will depend on aims and may become either quantitative or qualitative. Quantitative info is statistical and talks about things in concrete and easily measurable terms, such as rates, amounts and statistics. Qualitative data is descriptive and provides an insight into people’s emotions, opinions and perceptions of a subject.

It is important to have a formal process for collecting data since it ensures that the information gathered is definitely accurate and unbiased. That is particularly important in fields where explore integrity can be described as concern, just like laboratory sciences or cultural sciences just like sociology or cultural anthropology. The use of specific data collection instruments (whether existing kinds, new kinds or revised versions) and clearly delineated instructions for their accurate use decreases the likelihood of mistakes when collecting info.

Depending on the method of data collection you choose, the next phase is recording or organizing your data. This can take a large number of forms with respect to the type of info you will be collecting plus your desired method of analysis. Designed for prime free ebooks model, if you are executing a study you might record the replies on a chart or write them down, while a spotlight group interview requires precise notes. Recording is a important part of the data collection procedure as it allows you to review and evaluate your data after the fact, rather than having to rely on memory space or second-hand reports.

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